Record Numbers

Record Numbers

In Brinkee, each record is assigned a unique identifier called the UID. While this is practical for data storage, it can be difficult to remember or communicate. In such cases, an incremental number for each record can be more useful. Record numbers enable you to add this functionality and make it easier to keep track of your records.

Template Syntax

You can use Text Interpolation and Javascript Expressions inside the Record Number syntax. For detailed instruction you can read more about supported features on this dedicated page on BHTML.

You have access to the number variable inside the template, which is a number that automatically increments when a new record is created.

Template Examples

TASK{{ number }}
<!-- This will be the output: -->
TO-{{ number }}
<!-- This will be the output: -->

Changing the template for existing tables

It’s possible to change the Record Number template at any time, but existing record numbers will not be updated. Administrators can do this by editing the right record in the record_number table. Find the record that corresponds to the table you’d like to change the Record Number for, and adjust the template field.

NB: Use this feature with caution, changing the template for some (but not all) records will give unexpected results when sorting by the number field.

Resetting the number variable

It’s possible to manually reset or change the value of the number variable in your template (e.g. after deleting some or all records in a table). Administrators can do this by editing the right record in the record_number table. Find the record that corresponds to the table you’d like to change the Record Number for, and adjust the record_number field. For a complete reset, set this value to 0.

NB: Use this feature with caution, changing or resetting the record_number can introduce duplicate Record Numbers.